Sally has served in a variety of leadership roles throughout her life, including coaching, mentoring and support roles in several non-profit organizations. Her professional background is in Human Resources and Employment Recruiting.
Professional Education and Develoment
In 2013, Sally received her Masters Degree at Seattle University. including specialized training in retreat leadership.
In 2016, Sally became a certified SoulCollage® facilitator.
In 2019, she completed a two-year training program in Spiritual Direction at The Adelyrood School of Spiritual Direction in Byfield, Massachusetts.
Professional Experience
In 2015, Sally opened her own independent retreat facilitating business, and has facilitated a wide variety of retreats and workshops over the past 9 years. She has cultivated a passion for exploring ways she can support and work with groups to help strengthen their sense of community and connection.
Sally and her husband Stuart reside in central Washington. They have two grown daughters, Ellyn and Abbey.